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About Amanda
Oh...so much to know and so little patience to know it all. Well...I'm in 10th grade, a sophmore (I already told you that) at MSHS! Yeah, what now people. And...umm...anything else I'm sure it won't be to bad to ask.

A-Man-Da's Past.

Dadada!! I was once a child. Amazing. I know! Don't crowd.


Ok, so I'll list some of my friends (but not all):

Ashlee - Ok. You are my home-dog-in-a-bun lickity-splickity girlio! I love you! We have been friends through thick and thin, and we'll be together forever

Stefan - My buddy. We have drifted apart. It is sad.

Amber O - Lol. Your little song. "I love Tana, I love Ashlee, I love Amanda" LOL! OH! And..." It puts the lotion on the skin."..."IT PUTS THE LOTION ON THE MOTHERFUCKING SKIN!" Lol! CARTMAN!

Amber T - CARE BEARSH! I miss you tons!! AH!! :'(

Jill - My 1st love! Lol. We must work on our "Untamed Zest" eh?

Killian - My buddy! I miss ya tons!

Tana - Oh...good times, great oldies. 97.3 KBSG!! Lol?

Nina - I love ya chick! You were always there for me....especially at PE times! Lol.

Sonja - You moved! BIOTCH! Come back!

Rachel - My lover!! And my Rocky Horror Picture Show groupie...We must go see that live!

Lauren - Ah! What can I say? I love you muchos! 

Valaree - We must continue our ministry! And finish writing our 'Guidebook to Life/LOTR! Lol.

Courtney - Brunhilda! We have to make sure that E.J. Robert sign stays in line! We are the cop-faeries!

If I left you out. GET OVER IT! No I'm just messing! You know I love you! 


"I'm an eight-ball-shooting-double-fisted-drinking-son-of-a-gun!" -Gretchen Wilson